#BookReview #ThePatienceOfADeadMan #bookreview #reviews #horrorbooks #paranormalbooks #paranormal #books
The Patience of a Dead Man by Michael Clark is not your run of the mill haunted house novel. While the paranormal elements of this book were very original the first third of the book was difficult to get through as I found dialogue and characters hard to relate to. I really struggled with coming up with how to write this review because I am torn over the character development and the inability to relate to anyone involved within the beginning of this story. There is a lot of exposition behind the mentality of a recent divorcee and he is coming to terms with it. Normally this would not be an issue because all good characters have faults, but the amount of time given to the characters consistent griping about his ex-wife made it problematic to relate, or even like him. The dialogue between the main protagonist and the “love interest” is stunted and unrealistic.
Buy The Patience of a Dead Man by Michael Clark HERE--->https://amzn.to/3hO67n9
Clark has the imagination to create an unsettling story, but a simple, yet unsettling, moment towards the beginning would have made all the difference in making me care a bit more so I could get through internal dialogue and unrealistic banter between the two leads. It’s not a terrible start, but it could have been so much more.